Tuesdays are busier than normal here around the Harmon household. Our little friend, Weston, is here on Tuesdays. Weston's mom is a part-time teacher and we are happy to help her out any way we can. Weston is six days older than Jacob, so it's essentially like having a set of twins! (Sometimes I wonder if God is preparing me for something--twins do run in my family!) So the day is filled with the usual, just a little more of it. Diapers, feeding, napping, playing, breaking up fights, reading books, going to the potty, kissing boo-boos....you get the picture.
One Tuesday, right before Christmas break, Weston had just gotten up from his nap and I was changing his diaper in the living room floor. It was a doozie of a diaper that was going to require a clothes change. While trying to take his clothes off, I made a worse mess than was already there, which meant now he needed a bath. Then the doorbell rang.....and I was still in my pj's.
As I was getting up with a naked child, Luke was running to get the door and he and Weston bumped heads. I had to kiss boo-boos while trying to get the door. And wouldn't ya know it was our new neighbor (did I mention I was still in my pj's)?! He needed the key for the house because they were moving in. I'm sure they thought twice about it after seeing four toddlers under the age of three staring at him. Possibly even thought about calling DFACS on the crazy lady who has naked children and doesn't get dressed 'til noon!
Generally, that's what life is like here at our house. Lots of laughter and squeals, smiles and giggles, and sometimes tears. There's toys everywhere, crumbs on the floor, and loads of dirty dishes and laundry. And I wouldn't trade it for the world. Honestly.
There was a time when I often struggled with being a full-time mommy. Others would talk about promotions, raises, meetings, luncheons, etc. I couldn't relate any longer. I had left the workplace to take care of my family. I felt very insignificant when I compared myself to other women.
My perspective was wrong. Very wrong. I was looking at my self-worth through worldly eyes; not through God's eyes. The Bible has much to say about women, our roles, and our importance. It isn't popular. I don't expect it ever will be. But then again, God's Word is usually never popular.
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
So give me the diapers, feeding, napping, playing, breaking up fights, reading books, going to the potty, and kissing boo-boos. I'm okay with that. I'm on a mission. God's mission. And isn't His really the only one that matters?
I leave you with this excerpt from Ann Voskamp's post Strange Disappearance:
If I identify myself as the culture does, as a “stay at home Mom”, one who has no intellectual contribution, gross-national product contribution or status symbol contribution, I become just that: a woman who sees herself as one who has grunted and groaned out another human being and now stays behind her four walls, in self-imposed seclusion. Not much of a vision there---it actually sounds strangely psychotic.
If I deem myself as a woman employed by the Creator of everything ever created, as on work assignment in a sacred domain for the sculpting of souls that will exist forever and forever without end, I have a burning passion of purpose. And a paycheck that is said to be beyond what eye or ear can even comprehend!
This world is going to burn up, cinders for the universe….but your child is a soul without end, forever and ever existence. The world has pitifully, laughably little to offer in comparison to this holy opportunity to raise up a child.
If I deem myself as a woman employed by the Creator of everything ever created, as on work assignment in a sacred domain for the sculpting of souls that will exist forever and forever without end, I have a burning passion of purpose. And a paycheck that is said to be beyond what eye or ear can even comprehend!
This world is going to burn up, cinders for the universe….but your child is a soul without end, forever and ever existence. The world has pitifully, laughably little to offer in comparison to this holy opportunity to raise up a child.
*Image taken from allposters.com
Good post, Jen. I have had to come to terms that my house will never be "Better Homes & Gardens", but that's OK. I'd rather invest my time and energy in Natalie. Besides, it will always be there tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteLove ya,
Great thoughts Jennifer! Thanks for sharing them! Love ya~