It seems unbelievable that only four short years ago we started this journey of parenthood. We found out we were expecting in May 2004. We had a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom of the movie theater at the Mall of Georgia. (Not very romantic!) We were so excited! I had had a previous miscarriage so my doctors wanted to check my hormone levels every couple of days to make sure they were increasing like they should. My parents were on a mission trip to the Philippines so we called them to tell them the good news and to be praying everything would turn out alright. Obviously, it did!
Just two days old!
The only pacifier he would was so big!
His "vampire" teeth!
I love Daddy!
The John Deere Tractor!
Chilling in the swing
Cruisin' on the Gator
January 21, 2005, Luke Austin was born at 9:57 p.m. He was delivered by cesarean after about ten hours of labor. And yes, I had an epidural during that time! He weighed in at 8 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21 inches long.

What a joy he has been! He has a tender heart, a great sense of humor, is cautious and very inquisitive. He adores anything John Deere. If you ask him what he's going to be when he grows up he'll say (rather loudly), "A doctor preacher!".

We are blessed to have been given such a wonderful gift. It's my prayer that God will use him for His glory. Austin and I pray for wisdom and guidance as we strive to help Luke become all God wants him to be. Happy birthday Luke! We love you!!

That is sooo precious! It made me tear up seeing how much he has changed and thinking how fast Weston is changing....of course the music playing makes you a little sentimental too!! haha I was just thinking that I remember how short Luke was when we first met ya'll. He was so cute, and me and Josh would say that we hope we have kids as sweet as him and Chloe (that was before Jacob was born)! I loved the way he would say Bro. Lamar when we first met ya'll....time sure flies! Hope he has a great party tonight!