Saturday, January 16, 2010

Help for Haiti

Crystal, over at Money Saving Mom, is hosting a fund-raising effort to help the people of Haiti. (Be sure to visit her site as she is donating $0.30 for every comment and $10 for each blog link-up!) I feel it is an extremely worthy cause and would love to do my part. Thousands of people are hurting and need our help.

First, and foremost, we can pray, pray, pray. I showed some of the pictures of the devastation to the kids this morning and we talked about what these people were experiencing. Then we prayed together. It was a sobering time for everyone and also provided a wonderful discussion about the power of prayer and our God!

We can also give to those in need. No matter how much or how little, surely there is something everyone can give, even if it's just a few dollars. A little goes a long way, especially in Haiti.

Austin and I will be donating $0.30 for every comment left on this post to Numana Inc., an international hunger relief organization. $0.30 can provide one meal for a starving person in Haiti. So your single comment will essentially provide a person with a meal! How awesome is that?

Comments will be left open until Jan. 21. So what are you waiting for? Blow my socks off with comments! Let's work together to Help Haiti!


  1. Thanks for giving! Here's hoping your socks get blown off with comments!

  2. Thanks for participating in this! Such a great way to raise awareness and $.

  3. I am donating my Swagbuck points to the cause and commenting on generous blogs like yours :)

  4. Hope you are blown away by all the comments, sis! Good luck and we are praying, praying, praying!!!


  5. I helped out with a donation to the Red Cross and am doing a future project with World Vision.

  6. Thank you for linking up and donating! What a blessing! :D

  7. Thanks so much for linking up. You are right, every little bit (and a lot of prayer) helps!

  8. This is awesome! So glad I can participate, and bless you for your generosity.

  9. Thanks for what you are doing! We are praying too!

  10. thank you so much for doing this! i donated to UNICEF, donated some swagbucks & will be giving to my company's relief effort.

  11. this is so cool girl!!! I admire & luv ya'll much

  12. I just saw this post on your facebook page when I read about Keisha....hope all is well with her and the new baby...I know those hurting at this time will be blessed by every penny that comes in.
